Back In WA

We’ve been in Western Australia (our home state) for almost three weeks now with at least a few weeks still to go, so I thought I’d better post an update for those who are following. It’s fairly image rich and word poor because we are still just visiting friends and family so the things of interest are (in my opinion) somewhat limited, but we’ve been from the northern suburbs of Perth to the southern suburbs and then to the town of Busselton further south and then on to Northcliffe close to the south coast, so there have been a range of environments we’ve visited. 

As an aside, you may have noticed that the first picture in each post so far has been predominantly sky. This was coincidental for the first two but after noticing it I have decided to try it as a theme - seeing as we are heading to new horizons - so I’ve continued it in this one.

This first group of photos are from Perth …

The next set primarily features the Busselton jetty and beach …

and the final set is from Northcliffe in the southwest of WA with all its beautiful nature … 

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